Seven Reasons to Partner with SBTI
IT – Technology – Almost All Businesses Can Benefit
Today, business and technology are intertwined on multiple levels. To put this into perspective, imagine if the internet went down for a couple of hours at work or the computer or IT hardware you use to do your job and run your business would be unavailable for half a day.
What would you do?
How would you work?
IT equipment breakdowns can put a business in peril. If there is no safety net to protect you from these business situations, you can lose many man-hours or even revenue and clients. It can jeopardize your credibility in the business community and internally erode employee morale.
A way to protect your business is to have a local and ready IT resource. Outsourcing your IT to qualified professionals, such as SBTI Technology Solutions, is cost-effective. We are not on your payroll but prepared to help—just in case—when you need it.
Here are seven signs and situations in which having us as part of the IT resource network makes perfect sense.

1. You view IT as a diversion.
Do you find that your attention is regularly being redirected to IT-related issues? Do you rely on internal resources to “fix” what is wrong with your IT, such as Deb in Accounting? Let Deb do her job (what’s she good at), and you need to return to your job.
SBTI Business Solutions can lower your stress about IT issues and enable your employees to do what they do best.
2. You wonder whether you need more or updated technology.
- Are questions related to the performance level of your IT being asked more frequently in your organization?
- Is your IT environment underdeveloped, and are people starting to notice or even complain?
- Do you think you can improve your productivity through technology-driven efficiencies?
- Is your output being slowed down because you don’t have the right technology in place?
- Have you maxed out and reached your capacity with the current resources you have in place?
If these questions are being asked or you hear complaints that may be related to them, they will only intensify. They will not go away if you ignore them. Your employees may question your commitment to being up-to-date, and you want them to question this.
It would help to let them know you are forward-thinking and not putting a band-aid on everything.
SBTI can help you make essential IT decisions and explain those to your employees.
3. You think IT is not essential.
If, by chance, technology is not central in your daily operations, then perhaps your IT is not a big concern. If you rely on technology, it may still be difficult for you to grasp its full potential. An IT system – properly set up – can assist you in many business-friendly ways.
Here is an example. Imagine an office filled with sensitive or important documents. Imagine further that if one is misplaced, lost or stolen, it would compromise business integrity. A fine solution would be a digitized version backed up in a secure and encrypted cloud storage location.
SBTI Technology Solutions can help you set up the common sense approach to using the power of IT.
4. You believe that your industry is too specific for IT.
If you think that IT cannot help advance your business goals because of the specific, “non-technological” industry you’re in, then you may be in for a surprise. A multitude of industry-specific software programs have been developed. Moreover, many “generic” software programs can be customized to suit your business.
SBTI Technology Solutions can help you select the right software and then help you with training.
5. It would be best if you minimized costs.
In a tough economic climate, it is crucial to minimize overheads to keep your business afloat. SBTI understands that. We also understand that any game-changing technology sounds extremely expensive, and a business owner may conclude that “this would be great for us, but the costs seem to outweigh the benefits.”
Outsourced IT provides cost advantages gained through technology because of the increased speed, efficiency, and capacity. Imagine online marketing campaigns that help your website gain more exposure (SEO) or using Social Media or e-mail marketing to increase outreach to existing and potential customers. Initiatives such as these will enable your business to expand beyond its traditional boundaries. While there will be a cost for SEO, Social Media Marketing, or E-Mail Marketing, the added clientele and efficiency will offset these costs and more.
We can help you define efficient ways to engage existing customers and connect with new customers.
6. You need to be more flexible.
An external IT subcontractor will enable your business to be more flexible. A partnership with an outsourced IT firm provides you with an expert IT resource where you have no long-term commitment. Unlike employees – who require a severance package, benefits, and a fixed salary in the face of their fluctuating performance – subcontractors are not given these guarantees. This means that you control the ebb and flow of the relationship with the outsourced IT and will only call them in when you need them.
With SBTI Technology Solutions, you have the best of both worlds – a trained, performance-based IT professional without adding headcount.
7. You need additional and different perspectives.
Working closely with an outsourced IT company on a frequent basis brings some added benefits related to new ideas and solutions. An IT professional outsourcing IT business such as SBTI works with a diverse array of businesses. We see things that you would never think of. While confidentiality will always be maintained by working with us, you will benefit from our experience with other businesses.
Your business becomes the beneficiary of the IT experiences of SBTI Technology Solutions.
Outsourcing your IT can give your business a sustainable boost. You will keep costs down while advancing your business performance.
Contact us to schedule a phone call or an on-site visit.
Helping Small Business Put The IT Puzzle Pieces Together
Contact SBTI Technology Solutions for your IT business needs.
We serve the Concord and Manchester, New Hampshire area.